I took pictures of my boys room and apartment therapy picked them and they are featured on their site. check it out!
Click on "state's room" above for the link to the site.
Ok so the long awaited photo shoot is here!! thanks for staying tuned in for so long to see. these ladies were so cool it was about 114 out side and we had location and studio that week! man they were troopers! COATS too! the life of fashion can't beat it!
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
I went out to the ranch other day and took a couple pictures. it's was a great way to make a living Cowboyn'
Here is a sneak peek at a new shoot I did not to long ago. I post the whole thing soon!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
My son State's first birthday we had a couple pony's for the kids to ride can't wait for birthday 2! maybe a colt to ride.. I think i'll stick with the pony..
A trip to gruene tx is a must even if it's a 2 hour detour...... And what's better than having a couple Lone Star Lights to get the trip into the right gear. Gruene hall is Texas' oldest dance hall.
These are just a few of the latest shots I did For CLAD. http://www.cladmen.com/
A new men's online store! Open mid August. check it out!
Friday, June 10, 2011
new projects i just finished. Added to the one i did for Water Thirst Today that i sold.
Thursday, June 9, 2011
some new work! Ms. dillon from wallflowermanagement in dallas. styling by Andrew Bayer at Onset management and Hair & makeup done by shane Monden.
my little buddy State Aloysius Slusher is about to turn 1 and these are only 2 of so many cute pictures i took of him the other morning and had to share! so cute!!! his mom styled it! lisa slusher!
Friday, May 27, 2011
here is my project this week! a front set of gates for my house. both panels are 8ft tall by 75 in wide. I taught myself how to wield and BayerBro's set building helped me with the wood work and supplied the tools and shop. great guys if you ever need a set. OnSet management reps them in dallas.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
this is my latest shoot with remy from wallflower, lisa slusher did the styling, susie jasper did hair and makeup. thanks for everyones help!!!
Monday, May 2, 2011
This last saturday April 30 we went to German Fest in Muenster texas. We go every year. this was our second year to judge meat. they have a Germanfest Barbeque Cook-Off - April 29 & 30. we did sausage and ribs! and this year on the Texas Stage was Mr. John Anderson. we didn't roll any snakes eyes the whole weekend!
NEW.... well ok I finally got done with this photo shoot that was a great location here in north Texas Just before the spring change came. I bet it looks so different now. Kim Dawson model Laurie Bing. Al tidwell Hair and makeup also of Kim Dawson.
Friday, April 29, 2011
here is a sneaky peek.
my wife lisa slusher and sudie jasper and myself did a killer shoot with remy from wallflower. we shot at white rock and finished up at our house. this shot is in our backyard. pics coming soon!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
The Baron Batch shoot is finally out! to see more go to my website. under the sports section. And the NFL draft is coming up so lets all watch and see where baron goes. He is the bomb and a really fun to work with on set and great at ping pong he kill me!